What stocks made money during the Great Depression? (2024)

What stocks made money during the Great Depression?

The best performing investments during the Depression were government bonds (many corporations stopped paying interest on their bonds) and annuities.

What investments did well during Great Depression?

The best performing investments during the Depression were government bonds (many corporations stopped paying interest on their bonds) and annuities.

What stocks go up during a depression?

Defensive Industries

Historically, the industries considered to be the most defensive and better placed to fare reasonably during recessions are utilities, health care, and consumer staples.

What companies made money during the Great Depression?

10 successful companies started during the Great Depression
  • SESAC. ...
  • Publix Super Markets. ...
  • Hy-Vee. ...
  • King Kullen Grocery. ...
  • Harps Food Stores. ...
  • Ocean Spray Cranberries. ...
  • Pendleton Grain Growers. ...
  • Yellow Book USA.

Who got rich during Great Depression?

Not everyone, however, lost money during the worst economic downturn in American history. Business titans such as William Boeing and Walter Chrysler actually grew their fortunes during the Great Depression.

What stocks boomed during the Great Depression?

The Top 10 Depression Stocks
CompanyIndustryReturn, 1932 to 1954
International Paper & PowerPaper, hydroelectric power30,501%
Spicer ManufacturingAuto parts26,221%
Bulova WatchWatches24,146%
Zenith RadioRadios, televisions24,146%
7 more rows
Mar 22, 2010

What industry thrived in the Great Depression?

Communications. Print and radio boomed during the depression. Nowadays, streaming and teleconferencing.

What to own in a depression?

Domestic Bonds, Treasury Bills, & Notes

Mutual funds and stocks are considered to be a big gamble during depressions. While Treasury bonds, bills, and notes are more secure investments.

Is it better to have cash or property in a recession?

Cash: Offers liquidity, allowing you to cover expenses or seize investment opportunities. Property: Can provide rental income and potential long-term appreciation, but selling might be difficult during an economic downturn.

What gets cheaper during a recession?

Because a decline in disposable income affects prices, the prices of essentials, such as food and utilities, often stay the same. In contrast, things considered to be wants instead of needs, such as travel and entertainment, may be more likely to get cheaper.

What is valuable during a depression?

Purchase Precious Metal Investments.

Precious metals, like gold or silver, tend to perform well during market slowdowns. But since the demand for these kinds of commodities often increases during recessions, their prices usually go up too.

Were the rich still rich in the Great Depression?

The Great Depression was partly caused by the great inequality between the rich who accounted for a third of all wealth and the poor who had no savings at all. As the economy worsened many lost their fortunes, and some members of high society were forced to curb their extravagant lifestyles.

What was the best investment in 1929?

Even though stocks cratered in the 1929 crash, government bonds were safe havens for investors. A position in bonds probably wouldn't have shielded you completely from stock-market losses, but it certainly would have softened the blow.

How did millionaires survive the Great Depression?

Many wealthy people owned land and buildings, all debt free. Many had lots of cash. People only lost everything in the market if they sold at the bottom. Those who held on did extremely well.

How did people prosper during the Great Depression?

The average American family lived by the Depression-era motto: “Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without.” Many tried to keep up appearances and carry on with life as close to normal as possible while they adapted to new economic circ*mstances. Households embraced a new level of frugality in daily life.

Who made money from the 2008 crash?

Michael Burry rose to fame after he predicted the 2008 U.S. housing crash and managed to net $100 million in personal profits, and another $700 million for his investors with a few lucrative, out-of-consensus bets.

Who got rich from the 1929 stock market crash?

Several individuals who bet against or “shorted” the market became rich or richer. Percy Rockefeller, William Danforth, and Joseph P. Kennedy made millions shorting stocks at this time. They saw opportunity in what most saw as misfortune.

What was the safest investment during the Great Depression?

Obviously, stocks did horribly during the Great Depression. But bonds did well. Interest rates and bond prices are two ends of a seesaw. When bond yields are rising (usually from investors anticipating higher inflation), bond prices go down–and vice versa.

What stocks did well during recession?

7 Stocks That Outperform in a Recession
StockImplied upside from Feb. 21 close
Accenture PLC (ACN)3.6%
T-Mobile US Inc. (TMUS)12.8%
Walt Disney Co. (DIS)11.5%
Netflix Inc. (NFLX)6.4%
3 more rows
Feb 22, 2024

Who did not suffer in the Great Depression?

Despite the widespread impact of the Great Depression in America, two industries did not suffer. These industries included entertainment and alcohol. Alcohol, although previously prohibited in the 18th Amendment years earlier, was made legal to produce and sell again with the passage of the 21st Amendment in 1933.

What two ways did the wealthy benefit from the Great Depression?

The wealthy could benefit from the Great Depression by receiving loans through avenues such as the RFC or by purchasing devalued assets such as real estate.

What did the rich do during the Great Depression?

Those wealthy whose wealth was all in the stock market or was highly leveraged, lost everything. However, not every wealthy person had all their assets in the stock market or leveraged with debt. Many wealthy people owned land and buildings, all debt free.

How did people survive the Great Depression financially?

To save money, families neglected medical and dental care. Many families sought to cope by planting gardens, canning food, buying used bread, and using cardboard and cotton for shoe soles. Despite a steep decline in food prices, many families did without milk or meat.


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