Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (2024)


Nephalem Rift Speed Farming

The Tal Meteor Wizard can dealreasonably well with Nephalem Rift Speed Farming, mostly thanks tooverwhelming damage potential offered by Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (1) Meteor that allows you toinclude Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (2) Aether Walker in the build, and versatility of the Tal Rashaset allowing for multiple utility legendaries. We have solo speed GR rankings and solo speed T16 rankings if youwant to know more about which builds are best for speed farming.

Within the limited scope of regular difficulties, the necessary damage andtoughness to triumph over the enemy is significantly smaller. Thus, your bestcourse of action is to improve utility and speed.

Active Skills
Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (3)Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (4)Diamond SkinTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (5) PrismTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (6)Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (7)MeteorTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (8) Thunder Crash1Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (9)Explosive BlastTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (10) Chain Reaction2Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (11)FamiliarTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (12) Arcanot3Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (13)TeleportTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (14) Wormhole4Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (15)Ice ArmorTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (16) Frozen Storm
Passive Skills


Adapting Rotation

When you are speed farming regularrifts, parts of your playstyle will adapt to the lowered challenge andfocus more on speed and utility.

The T16 key farming build will mimic the GR speed farming rotation, butsped up one step further: with extremely aggressive Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (21) Teleports ontop of enemies and their subsequent decimation with Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (22) Meteors, madeimmediate with the rune Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (23) Thunder Crash. Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (24) Diamond Skin Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (25) Prism andTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (26) Explosive Blast Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (27) Chain Reaction are cast on cooldown throughout the rift;the former to cut down Arcane Power costs, and the latter — to triggerthe Fire element of the Tal Rasha set bonus. Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (28) Ice Armor Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (29) Frozen Storm,Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (30) Familiar Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (31) Arcanot and Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (32) Magic Weapon Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (33) Deflection will keep yourresources and survivability stable as you recklessly port around the rift insearch of the next big fight; just do not let their 10-minute durationdistract you from refreshing them in between runs.


Adapting Skills

Parts of the skill and passive selection will overlap with the base GreaterRift progression build, but others will have to change according to the taskat hand. Ability to cross over great distances faster and more efficientlytake precedence.

  • The Lightning proc for Tal Rasha and your main source of damage comes inthe form of Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (34) Meteor Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (35) Thunder Crash. The rune's immediate effect fits rightin with the blistering pace of standard Rifts.
  • The Cold proc for Tal Rasha comes from the persistent AoE effect ofTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (36) Ice Armor Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (37) Frozen Storm.
  • The Fire proc for Tal Rasha should come fromTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (38) Explosive Blast Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (39) Chain Reaction; the multiple, staggered detonations ofthis rune will ensure at least one hit lands on an enemy as you maneuver in afight, keeping up the necessary elemental bonus.
  • The Arcane proc for Tal Rasha comes from Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (40) Familiar Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (41) Arcanot; autility-driven choice, which also nets you the lucrative 4.5 Arcane Powerregeneration per second. You will further strengthen your resource managementby taking Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (42) Diamond Skin Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (43) Prism, and casting it on cooldown.
  • Of course, during speed farming you will need to include a mobility skill;for Wizards, this means Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (44) Teleport. Take the Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (45) Wormhole rune,which gives you an extra use of the skill within 3 seconds of the first cast.In T16 keyfarm, Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (46) Teleport will be completely spammable due to thecubed Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (47) Aether Walker.
  • Passive-wise, the proximity-based damage multiplication ofTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (48) Audacity, the element-based damage multiplication ofTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (49) Elemental Exposure, and mobility value of Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (50) Illusionist remaincore to the setup. Supplement them with Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (51) Unstable Anomaly; this cheatdeath failsafe lets you move and loot with no regards for your safety, and topull some truly reckless moves — like staying inside Molten explosionsto loot, etc.

The Tal Rasha's Elements setremains gloriously adaptable in T16 farming, and you should largely keep thesame split between pieces as you do in Greater Rift speed farming: 5 pieces ofTal's, plus utility inclusions. It is recommended that you wearspeedfarm-oriented legendaries like Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (52) Goldwrap,Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (53) Warzechian Armguards and Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (54) Pauldrons of the Skeleton King when youfarm on your own, since your follower can wear the craftable sets Sage'sJourney (doubled Death's Breath drops) and Cain's Destiny (chance for extraGreater Rift Keystones) and emanate their power as if you were wearing themyourself. When you farm in groups however, consider dropping Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (55) Goldwrapand Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (56) Nilfur's Boast from the standard setup for Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (57) Sage's Ribbon plusTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (58) Sage's Passage, as you will have no follower and have to take care ofthe extra Death's Breath drops yourself. Ideally, you will also carry 2 piecesof Cain's set (i.e., Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (59) Cain's Habit and Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (60) Cain's Insight) in yourinventory and right before the Rift Guardian kill, you will swap to them forthe chance of additional GR keystone drops.

Utility slots also vary according to solo or group play, as you have to takecare of certain bonuses that are usually relegated to the follower yourselfwhen partying up. The bracer and shoulder slots that are occupied by Aughildpieces in the GR speedfarm variant are better taken byTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (61) Warzechian Armguards (for environment destruction-based movement speedincreases), and either the Act I bounty cache legendaryTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (62) Pauldrons of the Skeleton King (for the extra cheat death proc in soloplay), or Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (63) Homing Pads (for the safety during town portal when partyingup). When partying up, you might want to be able to proc the extra elite spawnat Pylons yourself (usually done by the follower in solo play); this meanseither cubing Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (64) Nemesis Bracers, or equipping them over Warzechian's tokeep the Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (65) Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan resource bonuses in the Cube.

Jewelry-wise, you should swap progression-oriented rings likeTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (66) Halo of Karini and Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (67) Convention of Elements for more well-roundedbonuses. Our base recommendation is to wear a Lightning damageTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (68) Stone of Jordan and a Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (69) Unity (paired with anotherTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (70) Unity on your follower, plus an immortality item likeTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (71) Enchanting Favor, this ring reduces incoming damage in half). Ingroups, use Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (72) Avarice Band instead of Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (73) Unity.

Unlike Greater Rift-oriented setups, your weapon needs to be altered toTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (74) Aether Walker in T16 farm. This legendary wand turns yourTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (75) Teleport from a cooldown to a spender, and allows for nearlimitless mobility.

SlotPiecesStat Priority
  1. Intelligence
  2. Socket
  3. Meteor % Damage
  4. Attack Speed
  5. Crowd Control Duration Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Area Damage
  3. Resource Cost Reduction
  4. Vitality
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. 3 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Elite Damage Reduction
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Lightning % Damage
  4. Vitality
  5. Reduced Damage Melee Attacks (Secondary stat)
  1. Intelligence (or Resource Cost Reduction at high Paragon)
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Area Damage
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Armor
  4. Life %
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. 2 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Armor
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Meteor % Damage
  3. Vitality
  4. Armor
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Lightning % Damage
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
Ring #1
  • Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (87) Unity
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Area Damage
  5. Crowd Control Duration Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
Ring #2
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Area Damage
  5. Crowd Control Duration Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. High Weapon Damage
  2. Socket (preferably from Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (90) Ramaladni's Gift)
  3. Intelligence (or % Damage at high Paragons)
  4. Area Damage
  5. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  1. High Damage Range
  2. Intelligence
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Meteor % Damage
  5. Area Damage
  6. Arcane Power on Crit

To help you with farming the gear you need for your builds, we have two veryuseful guides that you can access by clicking the links below: a Salvage Guide tohelp you quickly check whether or not you can safely salvage a piece of gear anda Legendary Farming Guide to help you efficiently farm legendaries and set items.

Legendary Item Salvage Guide Guide to Farming Legendaries and Set Items


Altar of Rites

The former Season 28 theme, the Altar of Rites, has been revised andre-added to Diablo 3 as a permanent character progression mechanic. — Forvirtually all builds and players of all skill levels — from casual toadvanced — we recommend progressing through the Altar tree using the pathoutlined below. The suggested path is geared towards maximum quality of lifefirst, then amplifying damage, and then mopping up the tree with defensive andedge case utility nodes.

Note that while they require reaching them with a Seal, Legendary PotionPowers are not part of the Seal cost system; Potions unlock with a separateresource called Primordial Ashes, obtained from salvaging Legendary or Setitems of Primal (red bordered) quality. Upgrade them as soon as possible, andin the order shown below (courtesy of Caleko's Altar of Rites planner).

Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (92)

You can read more on the Altar of Rites, Seals and Legendary Potion Powersin our dedicated Altar of Rites Mechanics guide.

Altar of Rites Explained


Adapting Gems

Either Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (93) Zei's Stone of Vengeance or Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (94) Bane of the Trapped can bringexcellent damage multiplication value to the build in T16 keyfarm. Within thelimited challenges of T16 keystone farming, Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (95) Bane of the Stricken shouldbe replaced by Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (96) Bane of the Powerful for a well-rounded damage increaseand damage mitigation bonus, with a duration-based (but very generous andmanageable) limitation. Lastly, Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (97) Esoteric Alteration from the GRprogression build should be swapped for Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (98) Boon of the Hoarder. This gemincreases your movement speed and provides near-infinite Toughness through itsinteraction with Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (99) Avarice Band (either worn by you during group play, orworn by your follower in solo play), and the equipped Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (100) Goldwrap.

Torso and Pants

For more information about gems, please refer to our guide on gems.

Legendary Gems and Normal Gems Guide


Adapting Kanai's Cube

The Greater Rift staple Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (108) The Grand Vizier moves from a worn item to acubed power in T16 farm, freeing up a slot for Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (109) Aether Walker mobility.Nevertheless, it should still be present in the build for its ubiquitousdamage multiplication and resource cost reduction bonuses.

Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (110) Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan increase resource generation and damage dealtwhile moving — and decrease them while stationary. In the breakneck paceof T16 farm, this legendary should always provide its positive powers as yourelentlessly move forward.

In order to maintain the amalgamation of the Tal Rasha and Aughild sets, aswell as a slew of synergistic legendary items, you need to keep theTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (111) Ring of Royal Grandeur in the jewelry slot of the Cube.



The recommended follower for this build during T16 speed farming is theEnchantress, due to her cooldown reduction bonus (cutting downTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (112) Teleport downtime) and elemental damage increase. Note that thisrequires that you run Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (113) Hand of the Prophet and optimize her survivability,as per our guide.

For more information regarding followers, we advise you to read our FollowerGuide, which contains detailed advice for choosing the skills and the gear ofyour follower.

Diablo 3 Follower Guide


Legendary Potion

The preferred potions for this build are Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (114) Bottomless Potion of Kulle-Aid(allowing you to break down Waller affixes that impede Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (115) Frozen Orb DPS),Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (116) Bottomless Potion of the Unfettered (giving you a brief window of CCimmunity to counter your lack of CC-breaking or immunity skills), orTal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (117) Bottomless Potion of the Tower (whose Armor-increasing propertiescomplement the naturally high All Resistances stat of Wizards). Pick whicheveryou feel helps you out the most.



  • 10 Apr. 2024: Guide reviewed for Season 31.
  • 10 Jan. 2024: Revised guide for the permanent addition of the Altar of Rites, and added Season-specific Soul Shard recommendations.
  • 13 Sep. 2023: Added Season 29 Paragon Cap and Gearing recommendations.
  • 22 Feb. 2023: Added Season 28 Altar of Rites recommendations.
  • 26 Aug. 2022: Guide added, as well as Season 27 Angelic Crucible recommendations.

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Tal Meteor Wizard Nephalem Rift Speed Farming Variation (2024)
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